Los 100 marketeros más influyentes del mundo en Twitter14 minutos de lectura


Esta semana me he llevado una buena sorpresa al descubrir que formo parte de la lista de los 100 marketeros más influyentes del mundo en Twitter.

El  artículo original ha sido elaborado por la prestigiosa agencia Norte Americana  Science of Digital Marketing

La noticia me ha producido doble felicidad, ya que además de descubrir que formo parte de esta lista, he podido comprobar que muchos de mis amigos, conocidos y contactos forman parte también del listado.

No me ha sorprendido que algunos de mis contactos internacionales como Mary Smith, Ann Handley, Andrés Silva, Jennifer Aaker, Jeff Bullas o Patrick Strother formen parte de esta lista, ya que conozco bien su trabajo y con algunos de ellos tengo la fortuna de compartir ranking en el listado de Top Marketing Professors on Twitter elaborado por la Social Media Marketing Magazine. 

Lo que si me ha sorprendido ha sido la buena proporción de marketeros de habla hispana incluidos en el Ranking: José Javier Garde, José Ramón Martínez, Ernesto G. Bustamante, Juan Carlos Mejía Llano, Luis M. Villanueva, Pedro Clavería, Juan Merodio, Claudio Inacio,  Miguel Florido e Ivan Gaixes.

Es importante destacar que es un ranking que se ha hecho en Estados Unidos, y hay que decir que no suelen tener en cuenta lo que hace el resto del mundo, y en este sentido creo que este ranking es mucho más novedoso, neutral y fresco que los habituales.

Aprovecho para dar la enhorabuena desde estas páginas a mis amigos Miguel Florido, Claudio Inacio y Luis Villanueva!



El análisis se ha llevado a cabo con la herramienta de medición de influencia BuzzSumo. La lista total de influencers analizados está compuesta por más de 11.000 marketeros que provienen de una metabúsqueda que genera un ranking basado en 16 paráimgmetros de influencia como número de listas de Twittter, retuits, autoridad del dominio,  autoridad de la página web o Google page rank, entre otros.

Este ranking, ha tomado como referencia los profesionales más retuiteados ordenándolos simplemente de mayor a menor, eliminando empresas y revistas de marketing con el objetivo de focalizar únicamente en personas individuales.


En primer lugar para estar en la lista hay que ser marketero. A partir de este punto, es importante destacar que identificar a individuos que podamos considerar marketeros no es tarea sencilla, ya que muchos de los integrantes de la lista no se consideran a si mismos expertos en marketing, si bien escriben sobre marketing en sus blogs o bien comparten contenido sobre marketing a través de Twitter.


Lo que es realmente interesante de esta lista es que en ella aparecen muchos de los marketeros más afamados a nivel global, profesionales de marketing  que uno espera encontrar en la lista, peor lo más interesante es que también encontraremos muchas caras nuevas, lo que demuestra por un lado la neutralidad de este ranking y nos aporta aire fresco, permitiéndonos poder seguir a personas de las que aprender.

Por otro lado, se trata de un ranking global, en el que no encontramos únicamente la típica lista de influencers de Estados Unidos o la de cualquier otro país, lo que le da una nueva dimensión más acorde con la era de la globalización.

Los 100 marketeros más influyentes del mundo en Twitter:



# 1 Maria Johnsen 
A hyperpolyglot #SocialMediaInfluencer Ranked #6 #DigitalMarketingInfluencer in the world | Author | Founder of @goldenwaymedia
31 37 imariajohnsen 162,823 275.5
# 2
Shane Barker
Shane Barker 
Influencer Marketer| Consultant #ForHire ******Influencer & Brand Wrangler****** Download my FREE Influencer ebook https://t.co/EJYTl8HuB9
19 38 shane_barker 25,035 116.7
# 3 Seth Godin 
Author, blogger, a lifetime of projects. This is a retweet of my blog.
90 91 thisissethsblog 568,774 76.6
# 4
Marsha Collier
Marsha Collier 
Author 48 books: Social Media Commerce, eBay, Online Customer Service. Forbes Top 10, Futurist, Founder #CustServ chat, #techradio tech podcast. StarTrek nerd
48 38 marshacollier 166,269 59.2
# 5 Dio Favatas 
Digital and Social Media Marketing pro. Growth hacker, content marketer and curator, tech junky. Big data fanatic. I cook, I travel, I explore the world…
0 0 diofavatas 134,677 49.9
# 6 Donald Miller 
I help frustrated businesses clarify their marketing message through a 7-part framework. StoryBrand helps you get seen, heard and understood.
44 39 donaldmiller 244,380 45.6
# 7 Cynthia Johnson 
Entrepreneur, Speaker and Columnist Focused on Personal Branding and Digital Marketing. I’ve got 5 minutes, let’s connect cynthia@cynthialive.com
34 24 cynthialive 1,122,124 45.2
# 8 Yasamin Beitollahi 
Marketing Strategist, @HuffingtonPost Contributor, Advisory Council @WomeninMarketin, Public Speaker, Inspired by great people https://t.co/eBc0fA4UNP
1 98 ybeitollahi 38,711 33.1
# 9 Phil Rickwood 
Social Media Enthusiast, Providing Tips and Tricks for Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin & Google+. Marketing Strategist and Article Writer.
19 11 afhitcom 205,354 25.7
# 10 Tinu Cherian Abraham 
Dreamer, Social Ninja, Public Relations, Marketing, News Junkie, Political Opinionator, Compulsive Retweeter, Outspoken & Opinionated Aam Aadmi on social media
0 0 tinucherian 312,611 25.2
# 11
Avinash Kaishik
Avinash Kaushik 
Author, Web Analytics 2.0 & Web Analytics: An Hour A Day | Digital Marketing Evangelist, Google | Co-Founder, Market Motive
78 78 avinash 178,013 25.0
# 12
Mr Jesse Harmon
Jesse Harmon 
Current marketer | Former football player | I tweet about #marketing | #DiabloPride #GoDogs #GoPanthers #BoltUp #Undrafted #NFLAlumi ’04| tweets are my own
0 0 mrjesseharmon 23,549 24.0
# 13
Miguel Ángel Trabado
Miguel Angel Trabado 
Marketing Professor & Co-Director of the Master in Digital Marketing at ESERP Business School. Speaker at IESE. Head of Regional PPS Western Europe at Henkel
34 23 matrabado 57,314 23.3
# 14 Amy Lupold Bair 
Mom, Social Media Marketer, Global Influence founder, Twitter Parties creator
40 29 resourcefulmom 279,973 21.2
# 15 Emily Thomas 
PR | Keynote Speaker | Travel Photographer |@SocialMediaWeek @HuffingtonPost & @LevoLeague Contributor| Marketing Strategist | Storyteller
48 100 emitoms 128,494 19.6
# 16 Sam Hurley  
People Connector  Social Influencer Entrepreneur Believer in Kindness Ranked #1 Digital Marketer  Interviews featured on @Inc, @FastCompany & @sewatch
29 25 sam___hurley 155,698 18.0
# 17 Alvin Lindsay 
Internet #Entrepreneur – Sharing Tips for #Onlinebusiness. The latest news, reviews on #SocialMediaMarketing and #digitalmarketing Loves god family & football.
1 1 alvinlindsay21 89,838 17.3
# 18 Rand Fishkin 
Moz founder, author, blogger, husband to @everywhereist, tiny Techstars investor, & feminist. I tweet 30-40X/week about marketing, SEO, technology, & startups.
92 93 randfish 347,592 15.8
# 19
Jose JAvier Garde
Jose Javier Garde 
“#DigitalMarketing #SocialMedia, #PersonalBranding #SEO, #SalesManagement , #Marketing, #B2B, #Strategy.
47 100 jose_garde 43,261 14.5
# 20
Ryan Hodgson
Ryan Hodgson 
Aussie in Seattle. Passionate about #contentmarketing #socialmedia #travel #instagram: https://t.co/uBv4DLlr1b. VP of Integrated Marketing at @YeslerB2B
25 12 ryanintheus 165,234 14.3
# 21 Isabelle Mathieu 
Social Media Strategist & Evangelist • Facebook Marketing Expert • Top 10 European Influencers ~ Salesforce • Top European Marketer ~ Hubspot
42 30 isabellemathieu 50,341 14.1
# 22 Narcis Radoi
Top 0.1% #DigitalExpert specialising in #DigitalStrategy #Marketing #DigitalMarketing #SocialMedia and ethical #GrowthHacking. People call me ‘Nachos’
0 0 narcisradoi 1,818 13.9
# 23

Sandi Krakowski 
I help small biz owners attract swarms of targeted clients, make more money & live a dream life! @Forbes Top Social Influencer @entrepreneur Top Marketer
41 35 sandikrakowski 309,497 13.3
# 24
Pramit J. Nathan
Pramit J. Nathan 
Marketing Consultant, Author, Speaker and Trainer; Specialize in Branding and Perception Management. I also tweet at @IamPramit (https://t.co/XDU2oYC6iu)
28 16 pramitjnathan 247,445 12.3
# 25 Mari Smith 
Social Media Thought Leader | Top Facebook Marketing Expert | Globe-trotting Speaker | Author | ‘Mari like Ferrari’ | https://t.co/zx04XWOVBP
66 60 marismith 495,690 11.9
# 26 Jose Ramón Martínez
“Se original, no importa si gustas más o menos, cuando te copien estarás muchos pasos por delante” Blogger, Marketing viral, Social media, SEO
1 1 dimeseoes 35,350 11.6
# 27 Krishna Chaitanya 
Working as a #DigitalMarketing Analyst, #SEO #SEM #EmailMarketing #Growthhacker #Startup #Socialmedia #Influencer #ppc #Mobilemarketing, #SMM #Topinfluencer
0 0 sachiruchaitu 2,760 11.3
# 28 Bo Woloshyn 
Partner in WOW New Media Inc… Love the challenge of designing and executing high-impact new media marketing communications!
16 26 boknowsmarkting 174,207 11.1
# 29
Ann Handley
Ann Handley 
Head of Content at MarketingProfs; author of the WSJ bestseller, Everybody Writes. I’m waging a war on mediocrity in content marketing. https://t.co/naKDAccqy0
84 81 marketingprofs 370,183 10.8
# 30 Andres Silva A. 
Proud Father. Speaker. Author of Conextrategia. Marketing Professor. CEO & CMO at https://t.co/yUeYootPXI Founder https://t.co/vevbvNHSWp
25 13 andressilvaa 139,193 10.7
# 31 George Ludwig 
6Builder is a content marketing automation suite that drives new customer acquisition via #Twitter. I’m the founder. I’m also @GeorgeLudwigBiz and @georgeludwig
23 16 6builder 31,039 10.6
# 32
Ann Tran
Ann Tran 
Branding & marketing l Forbes Top 10 https://t.co/ZCrz3U78Ka l #LuxuryTravel writer-Public speaker l Strong #SocialMedia presence https://t.co/26IpgKNjn1
46 98 anntran_ 537,700 10.2
#33 Justin Matthew 
Founder @iboommedia & top 10 in #influencermarketing
34 23 jmhhacker 125,084 9.9
# 34
Reg Saddler
Reg Saddler 
Just a guy who loves #SocialMedia, #Tech, #Science & #Travel. The force behind @Bookchat_ and @ZaibatsuPlanet #DigitalMarketing #Infosec
47 100 zaibatsu 579,075 9.9
# 35 Amit Panchal 
Digital Marketing Consultant, Foodie, #GAIQ Certified, CoFounder @Blood_Monk, #Blogger, #NaMo Supporter, Royal Enfield Rider
24 12 amithpanchal 20,355 9.4
# 36
Kandy OConnor
Kandi O’Connor 
COO, Web-based Marketing Resource Management and Marketing Fulfillment Services.
0 0 kandioc 25,696 9.0
# 37 Anabell Hilarski 
Emprendedora Blogger Impact Media Group Panama  Marketing Bitcoin https://t.co/6TMZnsj3W3 #Marketing #Bitcoin #Panama
37 28 anabellhilarski 12,016 8.9
# 38 Ernesto G Bustamante 
Especialista #SocialMedia #DiseñoWeb #WordPress #SEO #Marketing. Director de Arte y #CommunityManager. Profesor en el Máster de #MarketingDigital de @aulaCM
31 25 ernestogbusta 34,835 8.7
# 39 Juan Carlos Mejía Ll 
Consultor, docente, conferencista, escritor y blogger. Social Media, Community Manager y Marketing Digital. Cuéntame tu necesidad: JCMejiaLlano@gmail.com
45 35 juancmejiallano 403,448 8.6
# 40
Katie Jasiewicz
Katie Jasiewicz 
I’m a home cook, blogger, recipe developer, photographer, crafter (I blog about that too, @SewWoodsy), yorkie owner, & Marketing professional.
57 50 katiescucina 5,807 8.4
# 41 Melonie Dodaro 
LinkedIn Expert | Keynote Speaker | Social Selling | Author of #1 Bestseller The LinkedIn Code | Digital Marketing @ Top Dog Social Media
54 46 meloniedodaro 103,975 7.8
# 42 Michael J. Schiemer 
Frugal Entrepreneur | Digital Marketing Manager @Seasons_Market + @EastSideEntRIMA | Social Media @GloriaGemma | Author & Publisher | https://t.co/OLWVvKOerM
37 27 mikeschiemer 199,295 7.7
# 43 Luis M. Villanueva 
SEO – LINKBUILDING – CONTENT MARKETING. Formo parte de @seoplustv , @internet_30 y @iDay_Spain
48 45 lu1sma 27,792 7.4
# 44 Marji J. Sherman 
Christian. Writer. Social Media Pro. Wyoming born. []_[] @ShermanSocial #smm #contentmarketing
0 0 marjijsherman 178,196 7.3
# 45 Gregory Ciotti 
Marketing @helpscout. Contributor to @Inc, @Entrepreneur, @FastCompany, and more.
0 0 gregoryciotti 9,791 7.3
# 46 AJ Ghergich 
SEO & Content Marketing Expert. I Tweet Industry News That Is Actually Worth Reading!
53 43 seo 67,014 7.3
# 47
Dharmesh Shah
Dharmesh Shah 
Entrepreneur. Founder/CTO @HubSpot inbound marketing and sales SaaS and startup blogger at https://t.co/NQC4eRyARh.
68 62 dharmesh 288,088 7.0
# 48 Jeff Bullas 
#1 Content Marketing Influencer, Social Media Marketing Strategist & Speaker, Forbes Top 10 Social Media Influencer, #1 Global Business Blog.
80 76 jeffbullas 487,813 6.9
# 49
Syed Balhi
Syed Balkhi 
Award Winning Entrepreneur. Marketer. CEO of Awesome Motive. The guy behind @wpbeginner @list25 @optinmonster @soliloquywp @enviragallery @easywpforms etc.
62 54 syedbalkhi 95,846 6.9
# 50 Frederic CAVAZZA 
Marketing technologist / Speaker
66 59 fredcavazza 154,608 6.9
# 51
Eric Worre
Eric Worre 
Entrepreneur, Network Marketing Expert, Speaker, Trainer, Best Selling Author. Spreading value and helping people achieve their dreams.
49 42 ericworre 70,291 6.9
# 52 Andy Stalman 
Branding. BrandOffOn. HumanOffOn. Marketing. Professor. Speaker. Writer. Married, with children.
44 34 andystalman 25,678 6.8
# 53 Musa Tariq 
Eternal optimist. Londoner. Marketing Director @Apple. Previously @Nike @Burberry. I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious. Opinions mine.
0 0 musatariq 18,116 6.8
# 54 Brian Halligan 
CEO @HubSpot, Author of Inbound Marketing book, MIT Sr. Lecturer.
91 91 bhalligan 61,841 6.7
# 55 Randy Hilarski
“Marketer to the #Crypto and #Bitcoin World. #Panama is home. https://t.co/EuuJSmf681
40 32 randyhilarski 19,551 6.5
# 56 Jeet Banerjee 
23 years old. Serial entrepreneur, TEDx speaker & digital marketing consultant. (Founder @GotStatFuse, Founder @GoVisionary & Founder @DailyMondo).
0 0 thejeetbanerjee 252,082 6.4
# 57
Pedro Clavería
Pedro Clavería 
Fundador CupoNation.es #Marketing #Publicidad #Ecommerce #Startups. Pasiones: #Viajar y #Deporte Hice volar al hombre más pequeño del mundo en 2013!
52 43 peclaveria 103,671 6.4
# 58
Professional marketing writer and social media influencer for hire.
32 72 wahmjourney91 15,327 6.3
# 59 Jay Baer 
Author + speaker + Prez of consultancy & media company @Convince https://t.co/wtCcgBjQGa
64 59 jaybaer 223,918 6.1
# 60
Juan Merodio
Juan Merodio 
Marketing e Innovación Digital en la Empresa: Blogger, Speaker & International Advisor – Quién soy: https://t.co/RQH7hyJWVo
59 51 juanmerodio 95,748 6.1
# 61
Karen Quintos 
Focused on technology helping people grow & thrive. Passionate about modern marketing, sales enablement & giving back. Komen & Penn State Smeal board member.
94 94 karenhquintos 18,074 6.1
# 62 Rebekah Radice 
#CMO | Evangelist @PostPlanner | Top 10 #SocialMedia, Top 40 #ContentMarketing Influencer | Keynote Speaker | Social Media and Digital Marketing Writer
56 49 rebekahradice 88,099 6.1
# 63 Raffaele Romeo Arena
Web and Social Media Marketing Strategist. Founder of Buzznews.it Social Media Marketing Teacher. Blogger and great passion for Greece.
0 0 raffoar 50,863 5.9
# 64 Claudio Inacio 
Portugués, Graduado en Turismo y #CommunityManager. Consultor de #MarketingDigital y #SocialMedia Exfutbolista, viajero por convicción y Marketing de Corazón
48 38 cinacio06 35,299 5.9
# 65 Danny Sullivan 
Founding Editor, @MarketingLand & @SEngineLand, covering Google, Facebook, Twitter, SEO, SEM & all things digital marketing, search marketing and search.
1 1 dannysullivan 509,538 5.7
# 66 Chalene Johnson 
Marketing Impact Opens Soon! https://t.co/DfQ7muVLzK || NY Times Best Selling Author|| Podcasters || Speaker ||Celebrity Trainer || Biz Expert
29 43 chalenejohnson 102,956 5.4
# 67
Davir Meerman Scott
David Meerman Scott 
Marketing & Sales Strategist, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of 10 books including The New Rules of Marketing & PR and Newsjacking.
66 59 dmscott 125,862 5.3
# 68
Tom Goodwin
Tom Goodwin 
Marketing provocateur/Pain in the neck with good intentions.Head of Innovation @Zenith. Ftrd in NYT,Times,Economist,WSJ & Columnist for Guardian,TechCrunch&more
22 10 tomfgoodwin 15,148 5.0
# 69 Miguel Florido 
Consultor y Profesor de Marketing Digital y Social Media. Apasionado del SEO y del Blogging. CEO de https://t.co/670WrjFDBG y Barbateño.
54 46 miguelfloro 20,311 4.9
# 70 Sara Stewart 
I’m Sara Stewart. I run a cracking social media & marketing company and my 1st book is out this Oct. https://t.co/DqT05X0Sdr
31 17 twowitwowoo 179,363 4.8
# 71 Chris LoPresti 
Founder @FindTouchPoints. Bestselling author @InsightsTheBook. @Yale ’12. Always up to talk #data #analytics #marketing.
23 9 chris_lopresti 6,404 4.8
# 72 Louida 
Atlanta Blogger, Brand Influencer, Media, and Traveler. I love sharing with the world great companies! LM Marketing LLC
45 34 missloumae 4,181 4.7
# 73 Sharon Hayes 
Entrepreneur, Motivator, Domains, Email Marketing, Business Strategist, @reply 4 follow music news tech fitness coffee green REI travel sushi books smiles
43 32 sharonhayes 141,379 4.7
# 74 Kevin Thomas Tully 
Sales and Marketing Enablement | Revenue Accelerator | Data Analytics | Speaker | CEO/CSO/CMO | @CreationAgency #SocialSelling #ABM https://t.co/aFIyi6RNd9
49 100 kevinttully 22,588 4.6
# 75 Michael Brenner 
CEO of @MKTGInsiders, Content Marketing Consultant, Marketing Speaker, Writer, Author, The Content Formula. Life is short. Do stuff that matters and has impact.
39 62 brennermichael 76,876 4.6
# 76
Lina Wang
Lina Wang 
Many career hats. MBA, Model, anchor, editor, dancer, painter. CEO of 8 Shots | Content Marketing Specialist | Digital Marketing Maven | Social Media Strategist
28 21 2linawang 100,985 4.6
# 77 Randi Zuckerberg 
Speaker. Investor. Radio Host @SiriusXM. Best Selling Author @DotComplicated Dot @Missy4Prez. Exec producer Dot @SproutChannel. Former Marketing @Facebook. Mom
41 40 randizuckerberg 176,866 4.6
# 78
Jennifer Aaker
Jennifer Aaker 
General Atlantic Professor of Marketing, Stanford GSB. Author of The Dragonfly Effect.
47 37 aaker 25,311 4.6
# 79 Joe Pulizzi 
Content Marketing Institute (@CMIContent) and Content Marketing World #cmworld. Author, #ContentInc. #orange https://t.co/MXCoUaUkNT
88 86 joepulizzi 110,109 4.5
# 80
Zarko Petranovic
Web Marketing | Blogging & Publishing
17 11 zarko_p 34,077 4.5
# 81 Matthieu ETIENNE 
Social media boy chez @PublicisConseil et mini blogueur. Publicité, marketing, social media… Ex BBDO, Havas, TBWA\. Suivez aussi @UnJobdanslaPub !
47 37 llllitl 27,679 4.5
# 82 Patrick Strother 
Strother Communications Group (https://t.co/9aK0ljfLws.) Teach #PR and Campaign Planning at #UMN. #Education #Marketing #PR. Masters Swimming.
40 32 patrickstrother 34,012 4.4
# 83 Kevan Lee 
Director of marketing at @buffer, the social media publishing tool for brands, agencies, and marketers. We’ve got a new podcast! (see profile link) ??
1 92 kevanlee 19,432 4.3
# 84
Ted Nguyen
Ted Nguyen 
PR and marketing communications professional tweeting about intersection of news, food, fun, travel, adventure & other updates that hopefully move you.
36 25 tednguyen 559,261 4.3
# 85 Chirag Kulkarni 
Entrepreneur and Marketer. Co-founder of @tacoagency and @insightfullyco . Columnist for Fortune, Business Insider, Entrepreneur, VentureBeat, & Huffington Post
30 29 chirag_kulkarni 81,786 4.3
# 86 Amy Porterfield 
I’ll show you exactly how to monetize your online marketing efforts and grow your social media fan base, grow your email list and boost your profits.
66 60 amyporterfield 141,323 4.3
# 87 Chase Williams
Digital Marketer | SEM/SEO Professional | Partner @marketmymarket
29 28 chasewill 32,781 4.3
# 88 Duane 
God First, CEO, Marketing and Promotions, Business Owner, #TeamFollowBack ,#TeamScorpio, #NF UNFOLLOW=UNFOLLOW #TEAMIPHONE #GNATION #TFB #F4F
0 0 supathrilla 79,878 4.3
# 89
Shailesh Tripathi
Shailesh Tripathi 
Hi, I’m a Dad, Social Media Marketer, Computer Science Graduate, Blogger & a Cool Guy. I Follow Back too! #promotion #marketing #business #followback ??
39 85 promoteyourads 529,621 4.2
# 90 Ciamhie Mc Digital 
Head of Digital at @Insight_PR | #SocialMedia | #DigitalMarketing | #OnlinePR | Communications Training | Keynote Speaker | Full time Digital Diva! Views my own
0 0 ciamhiemc 40,169 4.2
# 91 Pablo Sánchez-Luengo 
Máster en #MarketingDigital y #RedesSociales @eemebs / Máster en #Ecommerce @ecommaster / #SocialMedia & #CommunityManager en @achoquebueno
0 0 psanchezluengo 3,908 4.1
# 92
Iván Gaixes
Ivan Gaixes 
Director de Marketing en @gowlook. Viviendo un sueño en un proyecto donde he podido combinar mis dos grandes pasiones: El marketing y la tecnología.
30 18 ivangaixes 7,266 4.1
# 93 Nitesh Mishra 
Digital #Marketing Strategist @IndiaNIC & @configure_it A Mobile #App #Development Platform to build #apps with smart backend without coding. #appdev #tech #Biz
0 0 niteshmishra_ 32,769 4.1
# 94 Stephie Rockwell 
#TheSocialButterfly – @RockwellGlobal #SocialMedia | #Branding | #Marketing #ExecutiveEditor of @embarkmag |#Entrepreneur #Foodie #Artist #CoffeeLover
26 15 stephierockwell 78,732 4.1
# 95
Vladimer Botsvadze 
Award-Winning Entrepreneur | Most Influential Marketer in the UAE | Professor | Social Media Strategist | Fortune 500 Consultant | Mentor | Trainer | Speaker
25 15 vladobotsvadze 23,506 4.0
# 96
Tim Buttowes
Tim Burrowes 
Everything under Australia’s media & marketing umbrella. email tim@mumbrella.com.au
57 71 mumbrella 134,640 3.9
# 97
Chane Steiner
Chane Steiner 
CEO of Steiner Marketing LLC, entrepreneur, world traveler (31 countries), minimalist, libertarian, mma fan, real estate investor, beach volleyball & tennis.
25 10 chanesteiner 103,901 3.9
# 98
Jake Sorofman
Jake Sorofman 
CMO, Gartner analyst and digital marketer. Reader, writer, father, sailor, word nerd. All opinions expressed here are mine alone.
69 93 jakesorofman 4,124 3.9
# 99
Ron Callari
【ツ】Ron Callari 
Social Media Scientist who tempers magnetic marketing with a touch of digital Zen! – Nam Myoho Renge Tweet!
37 72 roncallari 121,484 3.8
# 100 Mike Magolnick 
CEO of The Magolnick Media Company • VP Global Marketing • #StoryTeller • #SocialMedia influencer • #Author #Speaker #Entrepreneur • #DanceDad • #NavyDad
33 22 magolnick 410,084 3

Espero que este ranking con los marketeros más influyentes del mundo en Twitter os sea de utilidad y que podáis aprender mucho marketing de todos estos influencers a nivel global.

¡Feliz semana!


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4 Comentarios

  • Marta
    Posted at 14:34h, 22 mayo Responder

    Muy buen post! A algunos de ellos no los conocía y a partir de ahora les seguiré.

    • Miguel Angel Trabado
      Posted at 07:32h, 10 junio Responder

      Muchas gracias Marta,

      Me alegra que el post te sea de utilidad para conectar con influencers a nivel global!


      Miguel Ángel,

  • Maria
    Posted at 10:57h, 19 julio Responder

    Hola Miguel!
    Como has hecho el ranking?

    • Miguel Angel Trabado
      Posted at 08:28h, 29 julio Responder

      Hola María,

      Gracias por el comentario!

      El ranking no lo he hecho yo, lo ha preparado la agencia «Science of Digital Marketing» y para establecer las posiciones han utilizado la herramienta BuzzSumo.


      Miguel Ángel

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